West Lancs 65 2017
Despite there being a Champions League football match being played in Liverpool that night, West Lancashire Mark Lodge No65 carried on and held their Installation meeting. There was no doubt which event would get the biggest crowd but only one event was assured of a positive outcome.
WM Bro Mark Lawrence and IM WBro Roy Cowley
However the match did have some influence on the installation meeting, because of the amount of traffic in the city the master elect Bro Mark Lawrence was late getting to the meeting.  Representing the RW Provincial Grand Master was his Special Representative for the Liverpool area, WBro Mike Winterbottom PGSD. 
The Worshipful Master Bro Roy Cowley opened the proceedings and welcomed WBro Winterbottom to the meeting.   With the installing officers in place, it was now time for kick off, (no not the football match).  The first strike came from the DC, WBro John Roberts ProvGStB who presented Bro Mark Lawrence to the Worshipful Master for the purpose of installation and Bro Roy Cowley preformed the ceremony in fine style.
WBro Mike Winterbottom; WM Bro Mark Lawrence and IM WBro Roy Cowley
As is customary in West Lancashire, it fell to the Representative of the PGM to deliver the final set piece the address to the Brethren, which of course was on target. All in all the installation ceremony was great result for all those taking part and attending. After the ceremony the WM Bro Lawrence presented WBro Winterbottom with a very generous cheque for the Charities.
At the festive board in reply to the toast to Grand Lodge, WBro Mike Winterbottom congratulated Bro Lawrence on being installed into the chair of this old and prestigious Lodge.  He also congratulated WBro Roy Cowley on the way that he had installed the WM. It was noted that some members of West Lancs No 65 were not yet members of the Royal Arch Mariners degree and WBro Winterbottom encouraged them to think about joining. WBro Winterbottom also pointed out that after the success of the Liverpool Mark Association Social evening held this year, another one will be held on 27th January 2018 at Liverpool Masonic Hall.
Members of West Lancs No65
We wish West Lancashire Mark Lodge No 65 and its new Worshipful Master a good year. It will be a busy one for them because the Lodge looks like they may have a new member and they are also hosting the Liverpool Mark Festival in March 2018 which will be a team visit.  (By the way the football also ended with a positive result.)

Words and Pictures by Derek Gaskell.